Eu faço os sumos logo de manhã e tomo-os de seguida para aproveitar ao máximo todos os nutrientes.
Aconselho a lavarem logo de seguida a vossa liquidificadora não ganhar fungos e claro, ser mais simples de limpar.
São sumos para o meu bem estar e não para emagrecer ou algo do género.
Mais para a frente, tenciono fazer um detox, mas enquanto estiver a amamentar, não acho prudente.
Comecei na quarta, portanto esta semana será mais curta.
Podem também ir acompanhando no meu instagram onde vou partilhar também algumas receitas.
Um suminho por dia, não sabe o bem que lhe fazia! :)
Since Baby Vi was born, I have been changing in many aspects my food for healthier things and also tasty. I will share with you the recipes of my daily juices every week so you can be inspired to change your lifestyle too.
I make the juice in the morning and take them right away to make the most of all the nutrients.
I advise to wash immediately afterwards your blender so it doesn't get fungus and of course, be easier to clean.
Those are juices for my well-being and not to lose weight or something like that.
Some day, I intend to do a detox, but while I'm breastfeeding, I don't think it's a good idea.
I started on Wednesday, so this week will be shorter.
You can also follow me on my instagram where I will also share some recipes.
A juice a day, keps the doctor away! :)
Quarta - Bagas || Wednesday - Berries
Framboesas + Amoras + Mirtilos
Raspberries + Blackberries + Blueberries
Raspberries + Blackberries + Blueberries
Quinta - Abacaxi com Framboesa || Thursday - Pineapple with Raspberry
Abacaxi + Framboesas + Morangos + Goji
Pineapple + Raspberries + Strawberries + Goji
Pineapple + Raspberries + Strawberries + Goji
Sexta - Básico de Cenoura || Friday - Basic Carrot
Carrots + Linseed
Sábado - Cenoura com Aipo || Saturday - Carrot with Celery
Carrots + Celery + Ginger + Chia
Domingo - Purificador de Maçã || Sunday - Apple Purifier
Maçãs + Aipo + Pepino + Beterraba
Apples + Celery + Cucumber + Beet
Follow me: Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin'
Apples + Celery + Cucumber + Beet
Follow me: Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin'